Artisan - Ana Cruz Perez Vazquez
San Pedro Chenalhó, Mexico
When I was nine years old and was in the third grade, the principal of the school got us a teacher that got several students together and taught us how to weave. With this, I improved my technique a lot. I finished elementary school and got married at fifteen and went to a community in Chenalhó. In 1987, the Acteal massacre broke out where 42 people were killed and my family and I are from there and that forced us to leave our home with nothing and went to San Cristóbal to a shelter. Those were very difficult years because we had nothing and nowhere to live but thanks to God, we were able to move to Chenalhó. There, I was able to improve my craft and today I am happy doing my embroidery. I just wish they paid better and value our work more. My goal is to sell it outside of our town but that implies more expenses which I can not afford.