Artisan - Juana Candelaria Perez Sanchez
Zinacantan, Mexico
My name is Candelaria. I am 22 years old and I am from Zinacantán and I have an eighteen month old son. I am dedicated to making my handicrafts. I started working when I was twelve years old. When I was still studying, I started to weave little by little with the help of my mother. At the beginning, it was not easy but with time I learned how to prepare the loom and was provided my own equipment. I support myself with handicrafts because I am a single mother and I have to support my son. This craft has helped me to get ahead and give my son what he needs. What I long for the most is that my garments are able to sell more, to help me in my economy and that they pay the fair price for the effort with which we do it.