Artisan - Juana del Carmen Perez Perez
Zinacantan, Mexico
I am twenty-six years old. I live in Zincantán. I dedicate myself to handicrafts. I began to weave at the age of fourteen with the help of my mother. I was learning little by little. The truth is that it was not easy because at that age, I was dedicated to studying. With the lack of resources, I had to learn to weave. At first I did not like it but over time, I began to like it and now it is the work that I love the most above all. It is what I live from day to day. Unfortunately, sales dropped a little with the pandemic. Everything decreased and we no longer knew how to support ourselves, so I worked in the field. With time, everything has been improving a little, except sales. If buyers did not bargain over our work, perhaps we would have more income because they do not know the time, effort and the cost of the materials in order to make a garment. I hope and dream that one day they will value my work and be well paid and recognized in my country and in other countries.