Artisan - Rosa Andrea Perez Hernandez
Zinacantan, Mexico
My name is Andrea. I am originally from Zinacantán. I am eighteen years old and I am dedicated to making handicrafts. I started embroidering when I was 13 years old. As time went by my mother taught me how to weave using a backstrap loom. When I was 16 years old, I started to weave. I thank God I was able to do it. At the beginning, it was not easy but I had to learn because our economic situation is not good. What I hope to improve is that the price for our work is increased a little because since bargain a lot and they don't consider the fact that our craft takes a lot of work. This is the reason why many women my age no longer want to dedicate themselves to this craft. We have to rescue our traditions and offer it at a fair price because we dedicate a lot of time and effort to it.